Your profile picture is the first thing students will see when they search for teachers, so it's important to take a picture that represents you well.
- You don't have to have your photo taken by a professional, but try to take one of reasonable quality, not overexposed or way too dark.
- Make sure your photo takes up the entire height and width.
- It's okay to put your pet in your photo, but please don't include other people.
- Make sure your face is clearly visible and that you are facing the camera.
- No black and white photos, only color please.
- Make sure your photo is at least 600x600 pixels in size.
- Make sure your photo was taken recently. It's okay if it's a couple of years old, as long as it still resembles the way you look today.
- Photos must be natural and unaltered. Please avoid using drawings, filters, or heavily edited images. The photo should accurately represent your appearance without artistic alterations, special effects, or enhancements.
- No special effects, like circular photos, removed backgrounds, special borders, or anything else that's distracting. Just a regular photo please.
- We shouldn't have to include this rule, but please wear clothing.
- It's not required, but a smile can often make you look more approachable, which can help attract students.
Below is an example profile picture of our teacher Robinson from Venezuela.
Examples of profile pictures that do NOT follow our rules:

too bright

too dark

other people

face not clearly visible

black and white

cute but not recent