PolyTripper - Spanish Conjugations
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Regular / Irregular / Conjugations / Tenses


Regular Verbs / Irregular Verbs

to dance

bailar  to dance

to go down

bajar  to go down

to stammer/stutter

balbucear  to stammer/stutter

to bath

bañar  to bath

to take a bath/swim

bañarse  to take a bath/swim

to sweep

barrer  to sweep

to be enough/sufficient

bastar  to be enough/sufficient

to beat/whisk

batir  to beat/whisk

to baptize

bautizar  to baptize

to drink

beber  to drink

to bless

bendecir  to bless

to benefit

beneficiar  to benefit

to kiss

besar  to kiss

to whiten

blanquecer  to whiten

to block

bloquear  to block

to erase/delete

borrar  to erase/delete

to yawn

bostezar  to yawn

to throw away

botar  to throw away

to box

boxear  to box

to shine/glow

brillar  to shine/glow

to offer/make a toast

brindar  (to offer/make a toast)

to joke

bromear  (to joke)

to tan

broncear  (to tan)

to sprout

brotar  (to sprout)

to dive

bucear  (to dive)

to boil

bullir  (to boil)

to outwit/outsmart

burlar  (to outwit/outsmart)

to make fun of/mock

burlarse  (to make fun of/mock)

to search/look for

buscar  (to search/look for)

513 verbs