Regular / Irregular / Conjugations / Tenses
saber to know/taste
sacar to take out/remove
salar to salt/add salt to
salir to go out/leave
saltar to jump
salvar to save/overcome
secar to dry
secuestrar to kidnap/hijack/seize
seguir to follow/continue
señalar to signal/point out
sentarse to sit down
sentir to feel (what)
sentirse to feel (how)
ser to be
servir to serve
significar to mean
silbar to whistle
soler to use to
sonar to ring
soñar to dream
sonreír to smile
soplar to blow
sorber (to sip)
sorprender (to surprise)
sospechar (to suspect)
sostener (to hold/support)
subir (to go up/climb)
suceder (to happen)
sudar (to sweat)
sufrir (to suffer)
sujetar (to hold/grab/fasten)
sumar (to add)
suponer (to suppose)