PolyTripper - Portuguese Conjugations
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Regular / Irregular / Conjugations


Regular Verbs / Irregular Verbs

to pay

pagar  to pay

to stop

parar  to stop

to seem/appear

parecer  to seem/appear

to leave

partir  to leave

to spend/pass

passar  to spend/pass

to stroll/walk

passear  to stroll/walk

to bargain

pechinchar  to bargain

to ask for/request

pedir  to ask for/request

to catch/grab

pegar  to catch/grab

to think

pensar  to think

to lose

perder  to lose

to ask

perguntar  to ask

to allow

permitir  to allow

to break down/fail (informal)

pifar  to break down/fail (informal)

to drip

pingar  to drip

to be able to/can

poder  to be able to/can

to put/place

pôr  (to put/place)

to need

precisar  (to need)

to fill in/fill out

preencher  (to fill in/fill out)

to predict

prever  (to predict)

to publish

publicar  (to publish)

to jump

pular  (to jump)

to pull

puxar  (to pull)

226 verbs