PolyTripper - Wishing You Many Travels and Languages!
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Wishing You Many Travels and Languages!

Wishing You Many Travels and Languages!

Welcome to PolyTripper! I'm so happy you're here and reading this.

As a computer programmer, I've been fortunate enough to have a profession that is in high demand around the world. I parlayed my expertise into opportunities to study, live and work in Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands and various locations in the United States. During my third year (what we call "junior year" here in the U.S.) of university studies, I did an exchange program to Lausanne, Switzerland and my life was forever changed. I knew from that moment on that traveling and language learning would be lifelong things for me.

This post was originally written before the Coronavirus pandemic and all of the travel restrictions and lockdowns. Here's hoping that things return to as-normal-as-possible soon.

My ulterior motive in co-creating this website is to encourage a love of foreign languages for people that might not have otherwise thought they had the time, talent or inclination to learn them. For me, attempting to speak a foreign language and connecting with dear friends in their language is part and parcel of the travel experience. I'm grateful to the many non-U.S. friends I have that have hosted me, spent time with me and conversed with me in their own country. And while the reality of my travels don't always allow for speaking a foreign language, it's my aspirational goal.

I'll close this post by thanking you again for reading this and hoping that you'll share with me why you're here, what your interests are and how we can best serve you. You can communicate those to us via the Contact Us page. We'd love to hear from you.