PolyTripper - Ana & Xavi
Ana & Xavi
  •   Ana & Xavi  

  • :

  • :

    , ,  C1,  A2,  A1

  •   (5.0)  - 5

    25  - 5

    1 : 60 - 100


: Barcelona,   

: Barcelona,   

: 21:49


[Lessons will last 55 minutes (starting at the scheduled time, finishing 5 minutes before the next hour/half hour).]

[If you don't find availability for your preferred day/time, please, contact us! We open our schedule one week ahead, to make sure we are offering the appropriate hours we can teach.]

About Us

¡Hola, hola! Somos Ana y Xavi, profesores nativos de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE). Queremos ayudarte a aprender y mejorar tu español. A ambos nos gustan los idiomas, aunque aprendemos de forma diferente. También nos gustan los animales, los juegos, la música, el cine y las series. Además, a Xavi le encanta dibujar, el arte y disfruta de un buen debate.

¡Hola, hola! We’re Ana & Xavi, native Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)...
  • University of Salamanca / English Philology, Salamanca: 2005-2011
  • University of Salamanca / Masters Degree on Education, Salamanca: 2011-2012
    [Ana] Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas.
  • Tía Tula Spanish School / Spanish teacher, Salamanca: 2013
    [Ana] Formación de Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera: Niveles A1 - C2, Incluyendo Sesiones de Prácticas.
  • Multiple / Multiple, Multiple: 2013 - Present
    [Ana] Conferences, webinars, courses and other similar events for more than 623 hours of certified formation in ELE related knowledge.
  • Edinumen Editorial with University of Salamanca / Curso enseñanza ELE, Online: 2018
    [Xavi] NOOC Dinámicas y contenidos para la enseñanza de ELE: de la planificación al aula.
  • ELE Internacional / ELE Teacher Course, Online: 2018
    [Xavi] Introducción a la enseñanza de español.
  • Multiple / Multiple, Multiple: 2018 - Present
    [Xavi] Conferences, webinars, courses and other similar events for more than 110 hours of certified formation in ELE related knowledge.
  • ELE Teacher
    Kotoba Miners, Online: 2015 - 2016
    [Ana] Teaching the A1 contents of Spanish previously prepared and developed by myself through the tools and environment provided by the computer game “Minecraft”. The project was already working on the teaching of Japanese to English speakers.
  • Speaker
    Conferencia ELE, Online: 2018
    [Ana] Speaker during this conference, where I talked and taught “Creación de infografías con PowerPoint”.
  • ELE Teacher
    Private Lessons, Online: 2014 - Present
    [Ana] Creation of original materials, adapted to the student’s personal needs and level to help them achieve their own goals.
  • Co-founders
    Xannah Spanish Online, Online: 2014 - Present
    [Ana & Xavi] Blog, website and social media production of original materials and tips to help self learning students of Spanish.
  • ELE Teachers
    The Language Sloth, Discord Server: 2020 - 2021
    [Ana & Xavi] Weekly free group lessons (50 to 100 attendants) of Spanish, alternately teaching basic grammar for A1 level and conversational lessons for intermediate levels (B1-B2).
  • Translator
    Automatic Trans S.L., Barcelona: 2002 - 2003
    [Xavi] Part of the team designing an automatic translator for Spanish to English and reverse.
  • Tour Guide
    Barcelona Bus Turistic, Barcelona: 2003 - 2006
    [Xavi] Spoken Tour Guide in three languages (no audio guide available at that time) for the Official BCN Bus Tour.
  • Recepcionist / Front Desk Agent
    Diverse, Barcelona: 2007 - 2019
    [Xavi] Front Desk Agent in several hostels and hotels during this period.
  • 2nd Front Desk Manager
    4**** Hotel, Barcelona: 2019 - 2020
    [Xavi] Promoted to 2nd Front Desk Manager after more than a year working as a Front Desk Agent in this 4**** Hotel.

1 10.00

Profesores: Consultoría

Profesores: Consultoría

¿Eres nuevo en el mundo de la enseñanza de idiomas o quieres mejorar tu proyecto como profesional de la enseñanza de idiomas? ¿Tienes dudas de cómo gestionar tus clases, materiales y servicios? Nosotros podemos ayudarte a conseguirlo, darte las herramientas que necesitas y ponerte en el camino correcto...

1 100

¿Eres nuevo en el mundo de la enseñanza de idiomas o quieres mejorar tu proyecto como profesional de la enseñanza de idiomas? ¿Tienes dudas de cómo gestionar tus clases, materiales y servicios? Nosotros podemos ayudarte a conseguirlo, darte las herramientas que necesitas y ponerte en el camino correcto...

Conversational Spanish (A1-B2)

Conversational Spanish (A1-B2)

+ Improve your fluency with some activities we have available for you to choose from (we will need to know the topics you would like to talk about):

Index and description of some of them -> https://tinyurl.com/IndexXSO

- Conversation about a general topic (B1-B2) ...


1 60

+ Improve your fluency with some activities we have available for you to choose from (we will need to know the topics you would like to talk about):

Index and description of some of them -> https://tinyurl.com/IndexXSO

- Conversation about a general topic (B1-B2) ...


Interactive Lesson (A0-A1+)

Interactive Lesson (A0-A1+)

[For the interactive course you will need a PC or laptop. Mobile phone is not suitable.]

This is the best choice if you’re a complete beginner or if you need to consolidate your basic knowledge of Spanish. Our interactive course will guide you, with our help, all along A1 level, some cultural...


1 60

[For the interactive course you will need a PC or laptop. Mobile phone is not suitable.]

This is the best choice if you’re a complete beginner or if you need to consolidate your basic knowledge of Spanish. Our interactive course will guide you, with our help, all along A1 level, some cultural...


Lets play! | ¡Juguemos!

Lets play! | ¡Juguemos!

Games can also help you learn a language! And whosays adults don't play games? Adults also enjoy a good game. We do like playing games and we strongly believe games are a powerful tool to improve and help you learn a language. With the games we're offering you in this slot, you will end up talking like a...

1 60

Games can also help you learn a language! And whosays adults don't play games? Adults also enjoy a good game. We do like playing games and we strongly believe games are a powerful tool to improve and help you learn a language. With the games we're offering you in this slot, you will end up talking like a...

Tailored Lesson (A0-B1)

Tailored Lesson (A0-B1)

This is the best choice if you need complete immersion in Spanish, either if you’re starting to learn or you want to improve some previous knowledge. We fully adapt to your needs and preferences, searching for the best materials to work with you.


Esta es la mejor opción si...


1 80

This is the best choice if you need complete immersion in Spanish, either if you’re starting to learn or you want to improve some previous knowledge. We fully adapt to your needs and preferences, searching for the best materials to work with you.


Esta es la mejor opción si...