Regular / Irregular / Conjugations / Tenses
mâcher to chew
maigrir to lose weight
maintenir to maintain
maîtriser to master
manger to eat
manipuler to manipulate
manquer to miss/lack
maquiller to put on makeup (other)
se maquiller to put on makeup (self)
marcher to walk/function
marier to marry
se marier to get married
marteler to hammer
maudire to curse
se méfier to distrust
mélanger to mix
menacer to threaten
mentionner to mention
mentir to lie
mépriser to despise
mériter to deserve
mesurer to measure
mettre (to put/place)
miauler (to meow)
mincir (to slim down/get thinner)
monter (to go up)
montrer (to show)
se moquer (to make fun of)
mordre (to bite)
motiver (to motivate)
mourir (to die)
multiplier (to multiply)
mûrir (to ripen)